Friday, November 24, 2006

Will Colorado Petroleum Association Actually Support Communities?

In a letter to the editor of the Denver Post, Stan Dempsey with the Colorado Petroleum Association wrote yesterday that, "The Colorado Petroleum Association supports statewide air quality regulations." Referring to a proposal that would reduce emissions of toxic smog forming pollution from oil and gas developments across Colorado, Stan also explained that, "These regulations illustrate our commitment to supporting and responding to the needs of communities located near our operations."

Responding to the needs of communities? Let's get real here.

The Colorado Petroleum Association and Stan himself have expressed opposition to citizen, community, and local government requests that the Air Quality Control Commission adopt stronger rules to reduce emissions of toxic smog forming pollution from oil and gas developments. As usual, the oil and gas industry is showing that when it "responds to the needs of communities," it's only when it suits their own interests.

The Colorado Petroleum Association is not responding to the needs of communities, but is instead attempting to subvert genuine concerns over the impacts of oil and gas drilling to community health and welfare. Communities know what's best for their air, and it's a shame the oil and gas industry won't respect their wishes.


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