Thursday, November 16, 2006

Denver Post Supports Smog Reductions

The Denver Post today voiced its support for two proposed rules that would reduce smog forming pollution from oil and gas development in Denver and across the state of Colorado.

The Post even urged the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission to adopt a stronger statewide rule. That rule would require all condensate tanks that emit 11 tons/year or more of smog forming pollution to reduce emissions by 95%. This same rule is being considered for the Denver metro area, which begs the question, if it's good enough for Denver, why isn't it good enough for the rest of the state?

Kudos to the Denver Post for weighing in on this important rulemaking. The Denver metro area is teetering on the brink of violating clean air standards for smog, largely the result of increased oil and gas development north of Denver. With booming oil and gas development happening across the state, we need to get a handle on air pollution. As the Post stated, "The commission needs to take action; there's no need for energy production to jeopardize the public health or Colorado's clean skies."


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