Friday, August 24, 2007

Bad, BLM, Bad

The Bureau of Land Management got a taste of fresh air yesterday from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

While the BLM is planning to open the oil and gas drilling floodgates in the Vermillion Basin of northwestern Colorado, the EPA has demanded an air quality study be completed first. According to the Denver Post, the demand now sets back plans to drill the Vermillion Basin for at least a year.

The BLM wasn't very surprised at the request. Neither are we. The BLM is green-lighting proposals for thousands of new oil and gas wells in Colorado. At the same time, oil and gas drilling is increasingly linked to serious air pollution problems and public health concerns across the state.

One would think the BLM would have half a mind to consider air quality impacts before authorizing thousands of oil and gas wells. Our clean air is probably the most important, yet most endangered value here in Colorado.

Thankfully, the EPA has weighed in this time around. For the future though, the BLM needs to take warning.


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