Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Gas Wells in the Town of Erie

Sadly, the Town Council of Erie, Colorado approved a request by EnCana to drill six new gas wells, some near residential areas of the town.

While the drill rigs will be temporary, from a clean air standpoint, the real concerns are the producing gas wells. When the wells are drilled, the natural gas will flow, along with toxic gases like benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene. It's pretty much inevitable that some of these gases are going to be released into the air from well equipment. The possibility that children might live near these future gas wells is frightening.

The Town Council of Erie may have missed an important opportunity to protect its citizens. Hopefully in the future, local governments will more closely scrutinize oil and gas drilling plans to make sure companies like EnCana fully protect the health of children and families from toxic air pollution.

Toxic air pollution, viewed with an infrared camera, spews from a natural gas condensate tank. There are over 5,000 of these tanks north of Denver and more to come, possibly in Erie.


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