Saturday, October 21, 2006

More Support for Statewide Smog Reductions!

Support for stronger statewide smog reductions continues to build and people have an opportunity to join the groundswell!

The City of Glenwood Springs is the latest of several local governments in western Colorado to not only vote in support of a statewide rule that would reduce emissions of smog forming compounds from oil and gas developments by as much as 95%, but to support an even stronger rule. Carbondale, Rifle, Garfield County, and others have also joined in support of smog reductions.

Folks in western Colorado, spearheaded by the Western Colorado Congress and its member groups, are calling on the Air Quality Control Commission to support an even stronger rule to limit emissions of smog forming compounds from oil and gas developments. The stronger rules would require oil and gas industry to meet the same standards that they're currently meeting in the Denver area, only across the state.

It goes without saying that if a clean air rule is good enough for Denver, it should be good enough for the rest of Colorado. As Bruce Christensen, the Mayor of Glenwood Springs, commented, "We should have the same protections that other parts of the state have."

You too, can support stronger clean air rules for Colorado. Check out the Western Colorado Congress website and write a letter to the Air Quality Control Commission asking for stronger rules to reduce smog forming compound pollution from oil and gas developments.

Gas Wells Pock the Landscape in Garfield County, Colorado.


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